Rates & Billing

Rate Schedule as of July 1, 2024

Meter Size Monthly Base Rate Usage Rate
3/4″ (most homes) $  64.60 $5.75 per 1000 gallons
1″ $  93.30 $5.75 per 1000 gallons
1 1/2″ $ 137.50 $5.75 per 1000 gallons
2″ $ 216.00 $5.75 per 1000 gallons
3″ & 4″ $ 372.75 $5.75 per 1000 gallons

All rates are subject to change. Standby fire protection is charged at $8.50 per inch of service connection per month.

Billing and Payment Information

Crystal Springs Water District bills residential, commercial and industrial accounts on a monthly basis. Water meters are read on the same schedule. Crystal Springs Water District charges a monthly Base Rate based on meter size, which does not include any usage. Usage is billed additionally in 1,000 gallon increments. Statements are sent out on the 1st day of each month, and are due on the 15th of the month. Click here for more billing and payment information.

Bill Assistance

Crystal Springs Water District partners with Mid-Columbia Community Action Council (MCCAC) to provide financial assistance to those who qualify. Financial assistance is not available to multi-family, commercial, or industrial businesses. Contact MCCAC directly to apply or for qualification questions.

Why did we go to monthly billing?

A two-month cycle means that we are billing for up to 90 days past the time when water is actually used. A new billing cycle will keep shorter accounts so that people do not get behind in their water payments. It will be easier on families to manage a smaller bill on a monthly basis than a larger one every other month.

Why did water rates increase in 2017?

The decision to raise water rates has not been an easy one. We’ve looked at all of our options, but our pipes are aging and need to be replaced. There is simply no way around it. Improvements will require a significant investment now in order to avoid an even costlier replacement later.

We want to reduce the impact on our customers as much as possible over the long term. To spread costs out over time, we’ve implemented an immediate stair-step rate increase with moderate annual increases thereafter. This will give us the funds to immediately work on some major high-priority projects and ultimately make water more affordable in the long run.

cswdadminRates & Billing